Category: IT

Mining bitcoins with p2pool

Here is my experience and testimonial with mining bitcoins with p2pool, I don’t know all that much about it’s inner workings but I assume that I have worked out a somewhat reasonable formula for success. You need to have a few things in line for this to be a profitable venture guaranteed. First off is […]

Quadro FX 4800 teardown

Recently I had been having issues with heat and intermittent freezing of my Hackintosh. These crashes always happened during graphical processes like watching Netflix, or editing sound and it started getting out of hand as the temperature outside was rising. I figured I was experiencing that which I had been seeing at work with a […]

Using a VPN Service

VPN Servers are available now at as very reasonable rate these days with some plans coming in at sixty dollars or so a year. That’s really cheap as chips when you realize what is at stake. With all the revelations in the past few years of what internet privacy is like these days it’s easy […]